Water is not flowing well near driveway at 200 Line Road – on the northeast side. It collects and can freeze on the road. Needs to be reviewed to determine appropriate course of action.
Rte 13 and Toronto Road – Disallow Passing
Where Toronto Road meets Rte 13 in Mayfield the south-bound traffic on Rte 13 is allowed to pass. However it is very difficult to see north-bound traffic that may be turning left onto Toronto Road. The suggestion is that south-bound traffic not be allowed to pass near this intersection. There have been several close calls […]
Speeding In Our Communities – Traffic Safety
Speeding of traffic through communities in District 18 is a safety concern. More “speed radar” signs are requested – at least one for every community – and a great RCMP presence. History Budget Estimates – Hansard: May 11, 2018 (page 31 of 52) http://www.assembly.pe.ca/sittings/2018spring/hansard/2018-05-11-hansard.pdf Mr. Trivers: Thank you, Chair. I’ve been waiting for this section to […]
Public Access to Trout River
I’ve been approached by a number of constituents and residents in the area of parcel PID 94722 at the junction of Matheson Lane and MacKay Lane, with concerns that their access through this property to the shore of the Trout River will be blocked. They have shown via deeds and research of the history of […]
Crosswalk Marking On Route 2 In Hunter River
Dear Brad Trivers, I have been concerned about there being only a crosswalk sign but no crosswalk painted on the road from Central Queens to Harmony House and the Hunter River Community Centre/ Library. Everyday I see people speeding on route 2. Lots of the time it takes 3 mins for me to wait for […]
Oil Burner Regulations
Changes are planned to the “Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act Regulations” that will require all oil burner work to be done by license oil burner mechanics (important primarily because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning). This means they have to be a factory-trained technician in a specific type of oil burner, and/or have a […]
Medical Clinic – Waiting In The Cold
At the Friday Morning Clinics in Hunter River they will take only 12 people, and so many try to be there at least a half hour before the door opens at 8:00am. People will line up outside the door to keep their spot in line, but on cold winter morning people often choose to stay […]
Accessibility at Palliative Care Facility
My wife is currently a patient at the Palliative care facility in Charlottetown. With the exceptional good weather over the last month I have been taking my wife out for walks in her wheelchair. I am amazed that a cross walk across Murchinson Lane at the entrance into this facility doesn’t exist. But they are […]
Dust on Houston Road
Dust on Houston Road is causing problems for Mayfield Country Cottages, Mayfield Country Market and local residents. Ideally the road would be paved, but in the interim applying calcium to the entire road near the businesses and residences early and often would suffice.
Geothermal Energy on PEI
Brad, you said, “I believe that in the very near future with advances in power storage it will be feasible for communities to generate all of their own electricity through clean renewable means – like wind, solar and hydro. Government needs to plan for and proactively work towards a future of inexpensive locally produced clean […]