There are several clay roads that are in rough condition during the spring thaw each year (e.g. Centre Road, Hazel Grove Rd, Junction Rd – Rte 227 south of Fredericton Station Rd).
In particular roads that are traveled by school buses need additional work to ensure they are passable without undue stress on buses (e.g. Trout River Road, Toronto Road).
In some cases local residents are dragging the road in an attempt to improve it’s quality – it is unclear whether the Department of Transportation is paying them.
Trout River road
Hazel Grove Road
Toronto Road
Working with the department of transportation it seems the best way to fix these roads is to build them up with off-island gravel during the summer and fall. The main challenge with this repair work is the cost and getting that approved by government. The suggestion is to bring in the gravel by the barge load.
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