On Sat Oct 20th I’m hosting a potluck – and all are invited!
Why? To celebrate Up With People Day in Canada on PEI.
WHO: All welcome!
WHEN: Saturday, October 20, 2018
WHERE: Central Queens United Church, 19848 Rte 2, Hunter River
WHAT: Potluck, conversation, music and stories.
BRING: Food to share. Instruments. UWP photos. Non-perishable food items for food bank.
A simple community-style potluck followed by music and stories. Invite friends and family, or any others that are interested – open to the public. A time to reconnect with alumni you already know, connect with new alumni, rejuvenate your UWP spirit and connect with UWP Canada which is officially back! Also a great time for potential UWP students to chat with alumni. After supper it will be an “open mic” type affair – so bring your instruments and/or stories! Bring a photo from your year along with your memories to share with friends old and new. We’re also going to be collecting non-perishable food items to support the local food bank. Please bring some items if you’re able.

The goal of Up With People is to help build a more hopeful, trusting and peaceful world.
In 1991 I traveled with “Up With People” (UWP). We were a cast of over 120 people from around the world that stayed with host families across North America and Europe as we put on a 2-hour musical show and did community service. UWP is not political and not religious. UWP uses music and personal interaction to unite people and communities. Thousands of people have traveled with Up With People over the years. It is no surprise that several Up With People alumni live on Prince Edward Island! In the coming years I hope many more Islanders travel with Up With People. This event is for UWP alumni, and anyone else who is interested. ALL WELCOME!