Health Care is the number one issue for people in District 18 Rustico – Emerald for the 2011 PEI election – specifically not enough doctors, long wait times, and the ability to pay for medications. Addressing these concerns is not just about prioritizing spending so more money can be spent on health care – it is about better management. This video discusses how an accountable Minister of Health could help solve these issues by doing things like facilitating communication between front line health care workers and senior bureaucrats.
Hello Brad: I just watched your video on health care and I wish you the best of luck for tomorrow. We’ve got to get a change of government. Our candidate is Neila Auld. We feel that Neila Auld would be a capable representative for our district. This present government under Robert Ghiz is the worst government in the history of P.E.I. I’m 75, have seen a lot of governments come and go, and I have never seen a more corrupt, incompetent, sleazy, power hungry government ever. Ghiz is no leader, never will be. When Valerie Docherty came campaigning first time she ran I told her I couldn’t support Ghiz, I didn’t like him. Well I dislike him even more now, have absolutely no respect for him or for his MLAs. Carolyn Bertram as Minister of Health is a complete disaster. As seniors, my husband and I are extremely worried about the deterioration of health care in P.E.I. I worked in health care most of my life as an L.N.A. in hospital, nursing, home care & support, and have volunteered for Island Hospice. When I nursed, the emphasis was on the patient and their care, on bedside nursing, now that’s all changed. This big addition at QEH isn’t going to make things better because there won’t be enough staff to cover it. I was told that by a nurse from C.C.U. at QEH when my husband was a patient in that unit last summer.
Our other main concern is P.N.P. scandal. We’d like the truth brought out about that, who exactly got the money and how much did they get. I think that the people in power in P.E.I., not just the politicians, don’t want the truth to come out and will do everything they can to stop Olive getting in as Premier. These are the people who are the big frogs in the little puddle called P.E.I..
I hope to see you elected tomorrow as I think you would be an excellent selection for M.L.A. to represent your district. If we don’t get a change in government, I dread what’s going to happen to P.E.I. Right now I feel as if I’m on a ship, the S.S.P.E.I., captain & crew don’t know what they’re doing, there are no lifeboats or life preservers, rudder is broken & anchor is gone, and we’re heading to the rocks. I have never felt this way before about P.E.I. and I am very worried.
Janet Gaudet
St. Catherines
Well said, Janet. I completely agree with your statements.
Brenda Bernard
Mr. Ghiz’s appointment of Allan Campbell as his chief of staff has gone beyond patronage. What a slap in the face this is for the voters who decided not to re-elect Campbell as their M.L.A. This hasn’t lost any of my respect for Mr. Ghiz as I didn’t have any respect for him to begin with. It’s left me feeling completely disgusted as it’s apparent Mr. Ghiz doesn’t have any respect for the voters of P.E.I.