A farm outside of the Town of North Rustico is officially in the community of “Rusticoville”, but on the tax bills it lists “North Rustico” as the community. If/when annexation of this farm is pursued does this community label will mean that it will become part of the Town of North Rustico more easily?
- Will the “community” listed on a tax bill impact annexation / amalgamation?
- Should a constituent take action to ensure that the correct community is listed on their tax bill?
Response from the acting Director of Municipal Affairs and Provincial Planning:
“The civic addressing communities listed are established by Taxation. This address reflects whatever civic address community the property is in. It does not impact any annexation or amalgamation proposals.
Civic address communities have been defined solely for the purpose of supporting a provincial 911 emergency response system. Civic address communities do not represent all recognized and distinct communities on Prince Edward Island and caution should be applied if civic address communities are used for any purpose other than the provincial 911 emergency response system.“
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