My top three priorities as District 18 Rustico – Emerald MLA are Prioritized Spending, Small Business and Communication. I recently had the following question sent to me and that’s what prompted me to write this post.
“hi i’m a grade 9 student doing a project on you. i was wondering what are your 3 biggest priorites to do if you are elected”
Here are my top three priorities:
1. Communication – It is essential that an MLA keep have two-way communication (listening and responding) with constituents. I will canvass in person and by telephone between elections and hold regular open office hours in the district during evenings and weekends. This ensures that people have their issues and concerns heard, understand what government is doing and are given the status of any requests whether the request can be filled or not. More details here – .
2. Small Business – Growing the PEI economy is the one key thing that must happen to ensure that people are meaningfully employed, our tax base is strong, and the Island prospers. The way to do this is through small business. I will focus on helping small businesses succeed in PEI, and attracting new small business to the Island.
3. Prioritized Spending – Our current government is spending our taxpayer dollars in places that Islanders don’t care about, where government competes with private industry, and where it is often wasted. Examples are the “hills in Borden”, a new convention center in Charlottetown, the new bio-sciences industrial park in Charlottetown, loaning money to big corporations like Homburg Invest, and our provincial golf courses that lose $800,000 per year. If we stop spending millions and millions of taxpayer dollars in these areas, and focus on what government should be spending money on – health care, education, the environment and our public infrastructure (i.e. roads) – then we will have more than enough money to cover our needs without running a deficit.
Your PC party link is now broken. The only thing you can get to on the website is the thank you page. Feels like the party is trying to hide something 😉 Not to mention the link breaking, tsk tsk.
Yes – not good. All the candidates met today and I brought this up. We’ll get our web presence whipped into shape – you just wait and see!