Details about Bill 111 – Service Dog Act can be found here on this website – Service Dog Act.
A public consultation of a first draft of Bill 111 was held on Wednesday March 13, 2024 at 7:00pm at the Hunter River Lions Club (4615 Rennies Rd – Rte 13, Hunter River). You can find the Facebook event link here:
A crowd of around twenty passionate advocates gathered to provide feedback and discuss the draft Service Dog Act. To aid with the discussion I prepared a presentation asking the following questions:
- Why is the Service Dog Act needed?
- What are your concerns with the Service Dog Act?
- Should this be changed to the Service Animal Act?
Please find the presentation embedded below, with results included using the Slido app (which was also used to collect the results, along with post-it notes).
As a result of the consultations it was decided to keep the focus on Service Dog Act, amend clause 5(2)(a) to be less specific with regards to training and remove the reference to “perform physical tasks”. Also the Commencement clause was amended to set a timeline of two years or less for the bill to be proclaimed after it receives Royal Assent.
Many other suggestions were considered, and most need to be included in the Act regulations – especially those dealing with how certification takes place. For example service dogs should be evaluated based on specific tests of their behaviour to allow for self-training; it was very clear that only recognizing specific training organizations would not be adequate.
Also, it was very clear that education regarding service dogs is needed. Those responsible for public places (e.g. business owners/staff), and the general public must learn how to deal with service dog teams. For example:
- When service dogs are working they are not to be petted, fed, or otherwise approached. This is particularly a problem with children, and other pets (e.g. at stores that allow pets).
- It is not appropriate to ask a handler why they need a service dog, or what their “disability” is.
- It is a human right for service dogs to have access to public spaces with the person they are helping. Even with the new Service Dog Act in place, it will still be voluntary to register/certify/license a service dog.
- The Human Rights Act supersedes the proposed new Service Dog Act legislation, and human-rights-related service dog inquiries will still be handled by the PEI Human Rights Commission.
Full Responses
Why is the Service Dog Act needed?
- A pet is not a service dog
- Provide educational info
- To protect the rights of service dog teams
- To prevent/deal with “fake” service dogs and the danger they pose to all
- Provide standards for ALL
- So my Human Rights are the same as others
- Protection of accredited services dog teams
- We don’t need dog in every building – not all people like or trust dogs
- Act needs to provide wording for multiple (tandem or triple) dog teams
- ALL rentals open to ALL service dogs so no discrimination
- Must be voluntary participant
- If dog passes public access test that should be enough (and proof of disability).
- Requiring training logs places additional burden on trainer.
- If you are self training a service dog its because you or a loved one has a disability.
- We don’t need dog in every building – not all people like or trust dogs (shopping)
- No one should be denied services or entry who has a legitimate service dog
- Reduce fake teams
- To distinguish truly trained service dogs from those who may just provide emotional support
- For protection of service dogs and handlers.
- To reduce confusion and conflict for persons with disabilities and service providers
- Protection for handlers and their accredited guides
- To provide a clear and accessible process for those who need a service dog
- For true service dogs to be able to be recognized and allowed into organizations.
- To protect dog welfare in the process of training
- To protect the rights of service dog handlers who truly need it
What are your concerns with the Service Dog Act?
- How to designate who can give assessments?
- Eligibility should be “trained by an ADI org” AND/OR “they can pass an assessment”
- Only teams with IDs would have public access rights?
- Make insurance mandatory for service dogs
- Ease of fraud
- Concerned this will create further barriers to access for persons with disabilities
Should this be changed to the Service Animal Act?
- 25% Yes – replace Dog with Animal
- 75% No – stay with Service Dog Act
- 0% Not sure
The one and only meeting scheduled on this important issue?????? Now that’s transprency at its best!