Some good questions about the cameras on school buses that are supposed to catch violators that pass when lights are flashing. Also some good information came out about the Workers Compensations Act – although it is unsure if the statements on how employment earning effect workers compensation are true. The changes to the Employment Standards Act deal with unpaid leave and a guaranteed place back at work for those with critically ill children. Finally my moving statements, and the responses to the PEI Infrastructure Summit motion from the Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy indicate why they will not support the motion – please let me know what you think of these responses.
Greeting – Tue, Nov 17, 2015
Shout out Shirley Dickieson and mention of culvert replacement in Hunter River.
Question Period – School Buses Cameras
Bill #34 – An Act to Amend the Workers Compensation Act
Bill #39 – An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act
Motion #46 – PEI Infrastructure Summit
Moving of PEI Infrastructure Summit Motion
Minister of Transportation’s Response
Premier’s Response
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