There have been posts circulating that portray such an inaccurate view of what has happened in the legislature and such an inaccurate view of the PC caucus in the past year that I can no longer let it go unchallenged.
I don’t usually respond to posts like these but they are so full of inaccuracies that I have to address them. I watched every minute of the last three sessions of the legislative assembly. I saw what actually happened in the legislature- anyone who wants to can look to the Hansard for a reality check. The PC caucus has been accused of criticizing without posing positive alternatives. Not only have they been been proposing alternatives but they’ve been passing legislation- which is not easy for a party in opposition to accomplish. Remember the PTSD bill brought forward by Jamie Fox? Remember the leave for survivors of sexual violence brought forward by @StevenMyers? They both passed and offer important protection to vulnerable Islanders. Look at the bill that had its first reading in the spring that brings training in sexual assault law to anyone being appointed to the provincial courts as a judge? Remember the important and thorough details Brad Trivers and Matthew Mackay questioned the government with in the spring on the Water Act? It was the PC caucus who voted against the legislation that allowed the Three Rivers Amalgamation to even occur. The Green party and Liberal members voted for it. The PC caucus doesn’t just criticize- Brad Trivers proposed important amendments to the water bill and the municipalities act.
After #HowManyWade the Green party asked 0 questions in the legislature on behalf of Islanders with a mental illness. It was James Aylward and Sidney MacEwen who did that.
The PC caucus has been accused of being an opposition focused on “tearing down”- and likened to Trump and Ford. This is very disappointing scare mongering by other parties.The Progressive Conservative Party of PEI is not the Republican Party. It is not the Conservative Party of Canada. It is not the Ford government in Ontario. It is it’s own entity- the Progressive Conservative Party of PEI. It is in our party constitution that we represent ALL Islanders regardless of gender, religion ethnicity or sexual orientation. To paint us otherwise is simply not true. Does anyone remotely think it is conceivable that I would join a party that behaves like Trump?
On the topic of tearing down- When working on #HowManyWade I was completely non-partisan, as I had been my whole life. I worked closely with both parties in opposition. Heck I’ve even met with liberal cabinet ministers to share with them what I know to try to help. They too, were happy to work with me. When I was working with the PC caucus we focused on serving Islanders. When I was working with the Green party at that time we were focused on serving Islanders AND bashing the PC team to me at every turn. It completely turned me off the Green party as the behaviour behind the scenes was so different than the behaviour in public. I don’t have time for games. I am focused on serving Islanders.
In addition to accusing the PC Caucus of “tearing down”, the comment was made that it’s only the Liberals and Greens that engage in civilized debate! For anyone who watched the legislature- this is laughable. The liberal caucus members so often repeat talking points without even addressing the question being debated. And when Hannah Bell brought forward a motion to increase diversity in the legislature (which is such an important topic) it was the Green party who refused to extend the hour to even let the PCs and liberals speak to the motion. Both wanted to. The Green party stopped any debate on this topic. It seems they only want gender diversity if they’re the ones proposing it.
I have watched every minute of the last three sittings of the legislative assembly. It’s all documented in the Hansard for anyone who wants to verify it for themselves. No one has to take my word for it. But the comments being made about the PC Caucus are so outrageously inaccurate I had to address them. I’m grateful to everyone in the legislature who is working hard to represent Islanders. And that sure includes the PC Caucus- saying otherwise is simply not true.
The type of posts being made about the PC Caucus only increases partisan thinking which is very disappointing. I want to work in a legislature where we all work together across party lines on behalf of Islanders. The way the Green party has been speaking of their PC counterparts I fail to see how they believe other parties will want to work with them. This partisanship has to stop. We are a small province. I respect everyone who offers to serve the public and don’t want to have to even make this post. But the repeated false portrayal of the PC caucus can no longer continue to be circulated without sharing with Islanders why its simply not true. Islanders deserve and expect better. They deserve to have leaders who work together. That will be my focus if elected. That’s why I’ve always shared what I know with all 4 political parties. I care about the people of PEI over party and I will always do so. I encourage all politicians to do the same.
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