Salaried doctors don’t see enough patients. This is in comparison to fee-for-service doctors. This contributes to more Islanders being without a doctor, and means that taxpayers are not getting as good a value for the doctor’s salary. Notes In the master agreement for doctors, as per Section B – Salaried Physicians, Article B3 – Job […]
Right to a healthy environment
“right to a healthy environment” References: The Guardian Newspaper – Feb 19, 2015 – Citizens have right to healthy environment, ECO-PEI says: A campaign to convince politicians to give citizens the right to a healthy environment is being started by a group on P.E.I. Canada is one of the few countries in the world that […]
Expand dead stock program
“Dead Stock program should be expanded so farmers don’t dump carcasses in woods.”
Synch MLA salary and social assistance increases
“MLA’s are receiving a raise in 2016. If this is necessary then people on social assistance should also get an increase in their support. (What is good for the goose is good for the gander.)” The PEI Indemnities and Allowances Commission is an independent body that is responsible for an annual review of the remuneration […]
Justice and accountability for government wrong-doing
“Your leader says you will hold the government accountable. I hope this means looking (HARD) into the e-gaming, PNP, and loans that have been forgiven. Islanders need to know the government and non-government peoples who benefited from all the money, are held accountable and brought to justice if need be. Simply being in government does […]
Municipalities lack expertise to issue permits
“The provincial government is trying to put more responsibility on the communities to issue permits. In many cases community councilors are not equipped or educated to make these decisions.”
Support small farms and farmers
PEI needs to ensure that supports are provided for small farms and farmers.
Better land use planning
“land use planning: – subdivision – protecting farmland – setbacks from Rd – protecting heritage” PEI needs more and better land use planning: improve location, size, layout, and construction of subdivisions ensure that prime farmland is protected building need to have great setbacks from roads more protections need to be given to heritage properties
Need more bees on PEI
Just spoke with Chris Jordan at the PEI Dept of Agriculture – he’s the person responsible for bees on PEI. We do need more bees on PEI because of our blueberry production, and the blueberry processors have their own beekeeping operations that send hives out to producer fields. Each summer they import hives as “rentals” […]
Build wind turbines in coastal waters
“In the Netherlands there are 100’s of windmills in the water. The Gulf of St. Lawrence is an ideal place to put windmills. There is no large shipping going on near PEI. The fishers do not go out too far so the mills can go beyond them. The windmills need to be owned by the taxpayer […]