“I just want to see our government tak a stand / make a commitment to preventing / mitigating climate change”
International flights from PEI
International flights being courted and brought to PEI.
Busing throughout all PEI
Busing throughout all PEI. Access to acceptable levels of transportation. References ISLAND SOLAR TRANSIT SYSTEM – http://www.ridesolar.com/ “The Island Solar Transit System (ISTS) is Canada’s first solar-electric public transit system employing four methods of transportation in and around the province of Prince Edward Island.The first part of The Canadian Solar Transit System, ISTS provides a […]
Buildings too close to highway 2
How close to the #2 highway can a building be built? Snow is coming off buildings and may hit someone who is walking.
Reduce or eliminate Confederation Bridge toll
Reduce or eliminate the Confederation Bridge toll. For example a pass for Islanders at a reduced rate – even a $5 refund/rebate. Another ideas would be to sell Confederation Bridge passes with a bulk discount, and tied to a specific vehicle or person. For example, but 10 passes and get 1 free. Comment from Dec […]
Support drive-sharing initiatives
Support initiatives for drive-sharing to Charlottetown from Hunter River and Rustico. (and to Summerside? and from other communities?) References: The Guardian – Dec 17, 2015 – Uber won’t compete with P.E.I. taxis any time soon : “Uber made an attempt at expanding into Eastern Canada with one chapter in Halifax, but that flopped due to a […]
Sustainable infrastructure
Creating sustainable political economics. Ensuring that all building of structures, bridges and other needed facilities can be financially maintained.
Build communities based on human values
Need to build communities based on human values and the common good.
Require license plates on front of vehicles
Requiring that license plates be placed on the front of all vehicles on PEI roads and highways will make is easier to identify them. This will make the job of police easier, and enable automated forms of policing like photo radar.
Culture based tourism
Show visitors our genuine culture, our theater, arts, agri-tourism, our experiential tourism, visual and media arts, develop sustainable agriculture.