The bills of sale from the sale of cattle to brokers and not always meet the legal requirements needed to prove that the cattle were sold by the producer (e.g. in a court of law). Legislation should be put in place to ensure that bills of sale are consistent and legal. When cattle are purchased by […]
User fees at PEI hospitals
Patients in hospital are being means-tested for ability to pay, and then are being charged large amount (e.g. $140/day) for large portions of their stay (e.g. 18 days when recovering from bladder cancer). [On a related note some insurance policies won’t cover this expense because care is being provided by a public institution.] Given that […]
Cattle prices inconsistent at Atlantic Beef Products
“PEI farmers are being paid less for cattle of same quality than those purchased from off-Island (e.g. Quebec) – between $0.20 and $0.50 per pound after trucking expenses. As well there are price discrepancies between what is paid to farmers on-Island that appear to be biased based on personal connections.”
Stanley Bridge roundabout – a four-way stop was all that was needed
The 3-way stop at the Stanley Bridge intersection (St. Mary’s Road and Rattenbury Road) was confusing for tourists. To solve the problem the Department of Transportation designed and issued a tender for a roundabout – without consulting any local residents or businesses (they found out by reading the tender notice in the newspaper). A cheaper […]
Electoral reform / democratic renewal process is biased
The Premier’s comments regarding electoral reform show that the process is biased against mixed member proportional representation. It seems that he is pushing to keep first-past-the-post but with a preferential balloting method in place. References The Guardian – Feb 6, 2016 – Wade MacLauchlan’s comments leave electoral reform on life support Then the premier fired holiday broadside […]
Improve Brookvale Ski Park and eliminate $380,000 per year cost to taxpayers
“Why can’t Brookvale Ski Park operate with a profit? It is forecasted to lose $380,900 in the 2015-2016 budget. For example if the Lodge was renovated with a licensed restaurant like most other ski hills it should be able to generate additional revenue. Also, to improve customer service, on busy days 4 passengers per chair lift […]
# of students in classes in primary
We need to regulate the number of students in primary classrooms. Having over 20 students with one teacher in primary is not conducive to the most positive early school experience. Notes All teachers and parents concerned with class size should contact their Principal, PEI Teachers Federation Union Representative, and Family of Schools District Advisory Council […]
Use import/export comparison by industry to target those where trade deficit is largest
What industries are weakest in terms of trade deficit? We should target those areas for improvement – i.e. start producing PEI goods or services to decrease the amount spent on imports. This may be especially easy for services. What is the breakdown of the PEI trade deficit by industry, type of spending, product or service? […]
PEI debt is too high with no sign of coming down – where does taxpayer money go?
“Our debt is too high with no sign of coming down” “I want to know where all taxpayer money goes” Notes References What is the gross debt of PEI? $5.499 Billion total liabilities In 2012 $2.117 Billion Gross Debt, $0.038 Billion Debt Guarantees, $0.787 Billion Contingent Liabilities and Contractual Commitments, $2.558 Billion Program […]
Make PEI more open for entrepreneurs
“Make PEI more open for entrepreneurs” References financepei – Entrepreneur Loan Program “The newly revised Entrepreneur Loan Program is an initiative of the Province of Prince Edward Island designed to help increase the availability of financing for the purpose of: helping new businesses get started and established firms make improvements and expand to improve access to […]