Salaried doctors don’t see enough patients. This is in comparison to fee-for-service doctors. This contributes to more Islanders being without a doctor, and means that taxpayers are not getting as good a value for the doctor’s salary. Notes In the master agreement for doctors, as per Section B – Salaried Physicians, Article B3 – Job […]
Create catastrophic medical plan – include supplies not just drugs
Perhaps a select set of medical supplies should be covered under a “catastrophic” plan along with medications. Then at least the amount a household spends on “medical” costs would be capped at a percentage of the annual household income. After all the whole idea behind the catastrophic plan is to make sure people don’t go broke […]
Recognize PTSD as a work-related occupational disease
For occupations like paramedics, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is not recognized as a work-related occupational disease by the Workers Compensation Board (WCB). This means that those afflicted by PTSD cannot receive compensation for the WCB. Given the reality of PTSD in professions that deal with trauma, this should be recognized. Notes Met with paramedic Jason […]
Length of IRAC process impacting investment in island
Length of IRAC process impacting investment in island
Keep Rte 246 Breadalbane Road open year round
Keep Rte 246 Breadalbane Road open year round, and improve its condition, as it is the direct route between communities of Breadalbane and Emerald. Only an additional 1.6km of road that needs to be plowed. The alternative to traveling between the communities requires several additional km on either the North or South alternative routes. […]
Encourage and enable buying local – e.g. standard labeling
Buy local initiatives across the board – labeling of products – so we can support our local producers and know what we are buying – can’t tell right now in grocery stores. “Build communities and use community resources – skills from citizens, by citizens, for citizens.” References Strategic economic development plan needed
Use local, clean, renewable energy for PEI needs
“PEI needs to have re-usable, recyclable, regenerating energy, like solar, wind, bio-mass, wave. Government needs to support shift to solar and wind power, and invest in renewable energy. Ideally all energy used would be generated on PEI – reduce reliance on electricity from mainland (New Brunswick, Quebec). Get power utilities (e.g. Maritime Electric, NB Power) […]
Basic Income Guarantee Pilot Project
“All Islanders deserve to make a livable income.” References: Basic Income Canada Network – FAQs “A basic income guarantee (BIG) ensures everyone an income sufficient to meet basic needs and live with dignity, regardless of work status. First, it’s relatively simple. With the security of a regular, direct basic income, all Canadians are free […]