People park at the North Rustico Harbour, especially on Breakwater Road, to get access to the beach (free). The road narrows down to one lane, is sometimes blocked. This causes problems for locals in accessing their property, and there are many times where a fire truck or ambulance may not be able to get through […]
Province should maintain beach in North Rustico
The coastal area in North Rustico harbour that is not part of the National Park, and is not part of the Town of North Rustico should be maintained by the PEI government.
Rusticoville not used on drivers licenses
It seems that the community of Rusticoville is no longer recognized by the Department of Transportation (and perhaps the provincial government as a whole) when drivers licenses are issued. Instead the community of Anglo Rustico is used. This is a concern for the residents of the community of Rusticoville. Note that Google Maps recognizes this […]
30 km/hr speed limit needed on Rte 13 through Hunter River
Please reduce the speed limit to 30 km/hr through village of Hunter River, north along Rte 13 from the corner of Rte 2 until up past Karla’s Country Villas. When motorists turn North off of Rte 2 onto Rte 13 in Hunter River they are in a 50 km/hr zone already, and must slow significantly to make […]
Consultation policies of Dept of Environment and Dept of Transportation?
Question stemming from the Maritime Electric new substation and power transmission line on Smith Road / Millvale Road / St. Mary’s Road: “Dept of Environment and Dept of Transportation are the departments involved – what are their consultation policies? Do you think it matters whether these projects are in incorporated or unincorporated areas?” Resolution (in […]
Crushed asphalt in cemetery, ditches and yards on Rte 2 in Springfield
Much of the crushed asphalt that was put on the shoulders of Rte 2 in Springfield in summer 2015 has been pushed into the ditches, people’s yards, and the Summerfield United Church Cemetery. Residents and the caretaker of the cemetery are asking what sort of help can be provided by the government to clean this up.
Need street light at corner of Taylor Rd and Rattenbury Rd
This has been raised in the community (usually with the Community Center AGM) over the last four years. The location for the light would be where the Taylor Road intersects the Rattenbury Road. The basis of the ask is to provide light in our downtown and a safety item for seniors coming out of evening […]
Rte 239 – Civic number conflict – rename to St Patrick’s Road South
The name of St. Patrick’s Road was used for decades on the sign at Rte 2 just west of Hunter River, but four years ago they changed it to Rte 239. As it ends up the province had made a mistake because further down on Rte 239 is another section called “St. Patrick’s Road” and there […]
# of students in classes in primary
We need to regulate the number of students in primary classrooms. Having over 20 students with one teacher in primary is not conducive to the most positive early school experience. Notes All teachers and parents concerned with class size should contact their Principal, PEI Teachers Federation Union Representative, and Family of Schools District Advisory Council […]
Traffic safety on Rte 2 east of Hunter River
“Traffic safety is issue on Rte 2, especially East of Hunter River. For example, see video with cars not stopping for school bus. Another specific problem is accessing the driveways on the downside of the hill going into Charlottetown from Hunter River – I have a letter from former MLA Bertram indicating she would look […]