The MacLauchlan government makes a big deal about “fairness” and “working together” – it was an election promise – but here is an example of how they used political procedures to kill Peter Bevan-Baker’s Bill 101 proposing a “Well-being Measurement Act”. If the government wants to defeat the bill then why not do it with […]
Why won’t government hire doctors?
In early 2014 around 470 residents from the Hunter River, Crapaud, Borden-Carleton, Kinkora, Albany and Victoria areas were identified as having no primary care provider. Dr. Visser and the South Shore Pharmacy put forward a proposal to hire a Nurse-Practitioner to work with Dr. Visser three days per week to accept all these patients […]
Funding for Senior’s fitness programs needed
The cost of attending fitness programs is prohibitive for many seniors, who want to attend fitness classes, but cannot afford too. For example a local gym offers a “Seniors Chair & Balance Class” twice per week that costs $7.20 per session for a 10 pack, or $40/month (8 sessions so $5/session if attend all). Cost is […]
User fees at PEI hospitals
Patients in hospital are being means-tested for ability to pay, and then are being charged large amount (e.g. $140/day) for large portions of their stay (e.g. 18 days when recovering from bladder cancer). [On a related note some insurance policies won’t cover this expense because care is being provided by a public institution.] Given that […]
Mental Health and Addictions Long Term Strategy – Update
Yesterday the Standing Committee on Health and Wellness met with the following agenda: “The committee will meet with: Dr. Richard Wedge, Chief Executive Officer of Health PEI, and Dr. Rhonda Matters, Chief Mental Health and Addictions Officer; to receive an update on the long-term strategy for mental health and addictions.” I was also pleasantly surprised […]
Remove parking fees at QEH
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is PEI’s main referral hospital and is the only hospital in the province of Prince Edward Island that charges fees for parking. These fees cost patients $1.50 per hour to a maximum of $7.00 per day. For many individuals and their families, these fees are cost prohibitive and can prevent family […]
At community organizations and churches who needs to take the food safety course?
“How many individuals at a church or community organization need to take the Food Safety Course offered by the PEI Department of Health and Wellness? Does everyone who is handling food need to take the course?” Resolution Please contact Environmental Health at the Chief Public Health Office at 902-368-4970 or email to to discuss how […]
Full time nursing job wanted
Recent nursing graduate is looking for a full time nursing job on PEI, but does not know what full-time positions are available. They are already a full-time nurse out-of-province and need full-time hours to pay off student loans. Notes MLA’s receive all external (and internal – government employees only) job postings via email as they […]
Private-Public-Partnerships (P3) for health care
“There is talk about P3 coming into the healthcare. P3’s have been proven to dost taxpayers money. I realize health care is the largest expense for government, but Canadian health care is set up so it does not run making a profit. P3’s need to make a profit for the investors. The taxpayers end up […]
Increase healthy infrastructure
More infrastructure is needed on PEI to support healthy activities like walking and biking. More walking and biking trails should be built connecting communities across PEI.