Two views: Abortion services should be offered on Prince Edward Island. Status quo should be kept with no abortion services on Prince Edward Island. Notes About 50% of the people who bring this issue up want better access to abortion services, and the other half don’t. This ties into other issues like the adoption process […]
Issues raised by constituents of District 18 Rustico-Emerald
This is where issues and ideas raised in District 18 will be tracked, discussed, and updated as research is done, actions are taken and issues are resolved. Submit your issue online here or by calling your MLA Brad Trivers at 902-940-2044.
Increase number of clinics and staff with nurse practitioners
PEI needs to have more clinics to increase access to health care. These can be staffed with nurse practitioners since physicians are in short supply and more expensive.
Government of PEI inaction to help striking Canadian Blood Services workers
“If the PEI government gives $30.3 million dollars to Canadian Blood Services yearly… why are they standing by and doing nothing while 9 CBS staff are on strike?“
CEO of Canadian Blood Services salary is too high
“Why/how is it that the CEO of Canadian Blood Services makes $750,000 per year that tax payers pay his salary?” References PDF – 2014 SALARY LIST OF CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES EMPLOYEES EARNING OVER $100,000 Chief Executive Officer = Dr. Graham Sher = $737,157 salary (+ $21,219 taxable benefit)
Make PEI more open for entrepreneurs
“Make PEI more open for entrepreneurs” References financepei – Entrepreneur Loan Program “The newly revised Entrepreneur Loan Program is an initiative of the Province of Prince Edward Island designed to help increase the availability of financing for the purpose of: helping new businesses get started and established firms make improvements and expand to improve access to […]
MLA pay raise too soon
“MLA’s were given a pay raise too soon after the 2015 election.” Notes The PEI Indemnities and Allowances Commission is responsible for determining if and when MLA’s receive salary increases. “The Indemnities & Allowances Commission is established under Section 46 of the Legislative Assembly Act to review and recommend salary and benefits for the members […]
Private-Public-Partnerships (P3) for health care
“There is talk about P3 coming into the healthcare. P3’s have been proven to dost taxpayers money. I realize health care is the largest expense for government, but Canadian health care is set up so it does not run making a profit. P3’s need to make a profit for the investors. The taxpayers end up […]
Increase healthy infrastructure
More infrastructure is needed on PEI to support healthy activities like walking and biking. More walking and biking trails should be built connecting communities across PEI.
Encourage and enable buying local – e.g. standard labeling
Buy local initiatives across the board – labeling of products – so we can support our local producers and know what we are buying – can’t tell right now in grocery stores. “Build communities and use community resources – skills from citizens, by citizens, for citizens.” References Strategic economic development plan needed
Busing for Bluefield
“Hello, I have just moved into North Rustico and wondered if you could look into the busing for Bluefield. I live in Hilltop and have two children having to walk to Robins to catch the bus. I know it’s not overly far but when it’s storming and I am work I do not want them […]
Increase scope of care for nurses and other health professionals
Empower nurses and other health professionals to increase scope of care
Problems with child care subsidy process and amounts
Issues re administration of child care subsidy – funding approval changes when someone goes from to full-time to part-time and also during the summer months when go back to fulltime –causes hardship – one family ended up paying an additional $2000 for the summer months – almost went bankrupt. Communication done by phone only between provincial […]
Electoral reform plebiscite and not referendum
Electoral reform will be decided by a “plebiscite” as per the White Paper on Democratic Renewal (excerpt below). A referendum is a legally binding public vote on a matter of public interest. This means the government that initiated the referendum must take necessary action that changes or implements new legislation and programs in response to the result […]
Full time nursing job wanted
Recent nursing graduate is looking for a full time nursing job on PEI, but does not know what full-time positions are available. They are already a full-time nurse out-of-province and need full-time hours to pay off student loans. Notes MLA’s receive all external (and internal – government employees only) job postings via email as they […]
Create catastrophic medical plan – include supplies not just drugs
Perhaps a select set of medical supplies should be covered under a “catastrophic” plan along with medications. Then at least the amount a household spends on “medical” costs would be capped at a percentage of the annual household income. After all the whole idea behind the catastrophic plan is to make sure people don’t go broke […]
Warm clothing not allowed in workplace
While working in cool conditions, employer has denied use of some clothing – e.g. balaclava mask. Would like to be able to wear this clothing to keep warm at work as it does not impact the ability to do the job.
New street light on Autumn Lane
A new street light was requested in August 2015, to be placed on Autumn Lane near the new condominium complex. This request has been approved by both the Town of North Rustico and Maritime Electric. The issue is that no action has been taken yet. Request is to escalate this request so that the street light […]
What is process for revoking driver’s license?
My doctor said that I was no longer to drive, but in fact my drivers license was still valid. What is the process for removing a senior’s drivers license if a doctor has concerns? How can a doctor’s opinion be challenged? References CAA Seniors Driving Site CBC – For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having […]
PEI needs a vision for the future of land use
“Do you have a sense of whether the 2014 land use planning report is going anywhere? Really it seems there is very little vision for the future of PEI. While there is limited appetite for regulation I admit, I think many are frustrated by some of the recent trends.” Brad’s Response: I agree that […]
Support drive-sharing initiatives
Support initiatives for drive-sharing to Charlottetown from Hunter River and Rustico. (and to Summerside? and from other communities?) References: The Guardian – Dec 17, 2015 – Uber won’t compete with P.E.I. taxis any time soon : “Uber made an attempt at expanding into Eastern Canada with one chapter in Halifax, but that flopped due to a […]
Support small farms and farmers
PEI needs to ensure that supports are provided for small farms and farmers.
Need more bees on PEI
Just spoke with Chris Jordan at the PEI Dept of Agriculture – he’s the person responsible for bees on PEI. We do need more bees on PEI because of our blueberry production, and the blueberry processors have their own beekeeping operations that send hives out to producer fields. Each summer they import hives as “rentals” […]
Better land use planning
“land use planning: – subdivision – protecting farmland – setbacks from Rd – protecting heritage” PEI needs more and better land use planning: improve location, size, layout, and construction of subdivisions ensure that prime farmland is protected building need to have great setbacks from roads more protections need to be given to heritage properties
Municipalities lack expertise to issue permits
“The provincial government is trying to put more responsibility on the communities to issue permits. In many cases community councilors are not equipped or educated to make these decisions.”
Build wind turbines in coastal waters
“In the Netherlands there are 100’s of windmills in the water. The Gulf of St. Lawrence is an ideal place to put windmills. There is no large shipping going on near PEI. The fishers do not go out too far so the mills can go beyond them. The windmills need to be owned by the taxpayer […]