The Emerald Community Centre should have a generator put in and be designated as an emergency operations and “warming” centre in case of disasters or emergency situations. References PEI Emergency Management – Municipalities and Businesses The Office of Public Safety works closely with provincial agencies, boards, commissions and departments, as well as private industry, to […]
Clay roads in bad condition in spring
There are several clay roads that are in rough condition during the spring thaw each year (e.g. Centre Road, Hazel Grove Rd, Junction Rd – Rte 227 south of Fredericton Station Rd). In particular roads that are traveled by school buses need additional work to ensure they are passable without undue stress on buses (e.g. […]
Rte 239 – Civic number conflict – rename to St Patrick’s Road South
The name of St. Patrick’s Road was used for decades on the sign at Rte 2 just west of Hunter River, but four years ago they changed it to Rte 239. As it ends up the province had made a mistake because further down on Rte 239 is another section called “St. Patrick’s Road” and there […]
Will UPEI reduce pensions?
Rumours are out that UPEI will reduce pensions by using something other than the best 3 years of wages as the basis for pension payments. Those receiving pensions from UPEI have planned their retirement around the existing pension amounts, and it is unfair and wrong to make these sort of changes.
Taxi service needed in North Rustico
“A taxi service is much needed in North Rustico. Especially, this would give freedom to those who cannot drive – much needed especially for seniors to seek medical treatment and food.” Notes from Brad This sort of service would be great not only in North Rustico, but in most of District 18.
Solar panels a feasible solution for North Star Arena cost reduction?
What is the cost-benefit analysis for solar panels on the North Star Arena to reduce costs? Is there an opportunity for a funding partnership with provincial and federal governments? (e.g. 1/3 – 1/3 – 1/3)
Funding for Senior’s fitness programs needed
The cost of attending fitness programs is prohibitive for many seniors, who want to attend fitness classes, but cannot afford too. For example a local gym offers a “Seniors Chair & Balance Class” twice per week that costs $7.20 per session for a 10 pack, or $40/month (8 sessions so $5/session if attend all). Cost is […]
Beef cattle financial protection program not working for farmers
The Ontario Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program is accessible to PEI producers that ship cattle to plants in Ontario. It is alleged that the The Livestock Financial Protection Board that administers the program works in favour of the licensed dealers, as opposed the producer – specific details of a PEI case are available in confidence. References Ontario […]
Will community name on tax bill impact annexation and amalgamation?
A farm outside of the Town of North Rustico is officially in the community of “Rusticoville”, but on the tax bills it lists “North Rustico” as the community. If/when annexation of this farm is pursued does this community label will mean that it will become part of the Town of North Rustico more easily? Will the “community” listed on a […]
Seam on bridge has shifted causing large bump
The “new” bridge (beside Joey’s Deep Sea Fishing) has a large bump likely caused by frost heaves at the seam where it meets the mainland on the north side. This should be fixed as it is becoming a problem in the summer too. Maintenance should not be scheduled during the summer season because it will […]